Raktim Singh

Home Green Hydrogen What is Green Hydrogen

What is Green Hydrogen

What is Green Hydrogen

Introduction to Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen can be produced using renewable energy sources,
offering a clean and versatile fuel for various applications.
It has the capacity to revolutionize our energy systems, mitigating climate
change and fostering a sustainable future.

What is Green Hydrogen Technology:

Imagine a world where energy production is no longer reliant on fossil fuels
and where clean, abundant, and sustainable power drives our progress.
This is the realm of green technologies, encompassing green hydrogen and
nuclear fusion, which promise to revolutionize the way we generate and
consume energy.

History of Green Hydrogen:

The concept of green hydrogen emerged in the late 20th
century as renewable energy gained prominence. Milestones include
advancements in electrolysis technology, the deployment of pilot projects,
and the contributions of researchers, governments, and companies like
Siemens and Nel Hydrogen.

What is Green Hydrogen made from

Green hydrogen is produced through electrolysis, a process that uses
renewable electricity to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
Electrolysis is a process used to produce hydrogen gas by splitting water
molecules into their part, hydrogen and oxygen.

This hydrogen can then be stored and used as a clean energy source for
various applications, such as transportation and power generation.
Another way is reverse electrolysis. Here, Hydrogen fuel cell operate by
combining hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, and release only
water vapor.

So, the overall life cycle involves

1. Electrolysis to obtain hydrogen.
2. Compression: To compress hydrogen into liquid form. Pressure of
700 bar is required to compress hydrogen gas into liquid.
3. Transportation-storage: This is a very important and critical part.
Hydrogen as a light and reactive gas, can emit very fast. So, one
needs to make sure that it is compressed and transported through a
robust vehicle.
4. Fuel cell-reverse electrolysis
5. Conversion of electricity (AC/DC conversion)

What is Green Hydrogen and Blue Hydrogen

Hydrogen is very reactive and not available as a single molecule.
But hydrogen can be obtained by various other elements like water,
methane gas etc.
Based on the source, which was taken and the source which was used as
energy for separating hydrogen from another element, it’s termed
Green Hydrogen: It is made by using clean electricity from surplus
renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, to electrolyze
Grey Hydrogen: It is created using natural gas. Here steam
reformation is used and carbon, which is also produced as an output, is
released back.
Blue Hydrogen: Here hydrogen is produced mainly from natural gas.
Here also, Steam Methane Reforming (SMR) or Auto Thermal
Reforming (ATR) is used. But CO2 is ‘captured’ and then stored. So,
during Blue Hydrogen production, CO2 is not released in atmosphere.
Capturing of CO2 is done by a process called ‘Carbon Capture Usage
and Storage (CCUS).
Pink Hydrogen: Here hydrogen is generated through electrolysis,
which is powered by nuclear energy.

Black and Brown Hydrogen: Hydrogen, which is made using fossil
fuels (coal etc.), is called black or brown hydrogen.


Advantages of Green Hydrogen:

1. Decarbonization: Green hydrogen enables the decarbonization of
sectors dependent on fossil fuels, leading to reduced emissions.

Green hydrogen production emits no greenhouse
gases, helping to combat climate change.

This will help in ESG. Read more about ESG at


2. Energy Storage: Hydrogen can store surplus renewable energy,
addressing the intermittency of renewable sources and supporting a
more stable grid.

Hydrogen can be stored and used as a reliable
energy carrier, enabling a flexible and resilient energy system.
For long range vehicles like bus or truck, powering with electricity will mean
that they need to store heavy batteries.
Also, recharging those batteries take lot of time.
On the other hand, carrying green hydrogen in big quantity is easy as
overall weight of the vehicle doesn’t increase very much.
Also, like a petrol pump, there can be fuel pumps, which can recharge
hydrogen very fast.

3. Versatility: Green hydrogen can be utilized in various sectors,
including transportation, industry, and power generation. So, it can be
used in various industries like steel, chemical and transportation

4. Economic Opportunities: The green hydrogen sector fosters job
creation, stimulates technological advancements, and contributes to
the growth of a sustainable economy.

What is Green Hydrogen used for :

Imagine driving a car powered by hydrogen fuel cells, where the only
byproduct is water vapor, contributing to cleaner air and reduced carbon

Companies Using Green Hydrogen:

Plug Power, a leading company in the hydrogen fuel cell industry, focuses
on developing hydrogen solutions for various applications, including
transportation and energy storage.

Industries using Green Hydrogen:

Transportation, specifically in the form of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, is a
prominent industry utilizing green hydrogen. Additionally, industries
requiring high-temperature heat for processes like metal production can
benefit from green hydrogen.
Green Technologies have the potential to be adopted by a wide range of
industries, like:
Renewable energy integration, grid balancing, ammonia
production, chemical manufacturing, and heat-intensive industries like steel
and glass production.

Other technologies related to Green Hydrogen:

Renewable Energy Sources: Green technologies are closely related to
other renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and tidal power, as they
often provide the necessary electricity for green hydrogen production and
fusion reactor operations.
Energy Storage Systems: Efficient energy storage systems, such as
batteries and advanced flywheels, complement green technologies by
facilitating the integration of renewable energy into the grid.

Challenges related to Green Hydrogen

1. High cost: Platinum and Iridium are required to prepare electrolyte,
which is used during electrolysis. Also, Electrolysis process require
energy from renewable resources. All this make production of green
hydrogen costly.
2. Less Efficiency: Overall life cycle involves electrolysis, compression
& storage, transportation, reverse electrolysis, AC/DC conversion.
Due to all these processes, overall process is not efficient.

3. Safety Issue: Hydrogen is very volatile and flammable element. So,
utmost care should be taken to avoid explosion and leakage.
4. If used in vehicle, water, which is an output of this process, may
freeze in cold conditions and can damage the vehicle or may not
work during winter season.

While green technologies offer immense potential, there may be situations
where they are not the optimal choice.
For example, in regions with limited access to renewable energy sources,
the production of green hydrogen may not be as viable.

Future of Green Hydrogen:

Green Hydrogen is poised to revolutionize the global energy landscape.
Advancements in renewable energy sources, electrolysis technology, and
fusion research is driving the development and deployment of these
In the future, green hydrogen could power a vast fleet of zero-emission
vehicles, enable efficient energy storage, and replace fossil fuels in various


Green hydrogen holds tremendous promise for a sustainable

They offer clean, abundant, and versatile energy sources that can mitigate
climate change, reduce pollution, and provide long-term energy security.
While this technology face challenges and require further development, it
represent crucial steps towards achieving a greener and more sustainable
By embracing and investing in these innovative solutions, we can power a
future where energy production aligns harmoniously with environmental
Let us embark on this journey towards a greener tomorrow, where the
power of green technologies illuminates our path to a brighter future.

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