Raktim Singh

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driving digital transformation
This book provides a comprehensive guide to Applying Digital Transformation in You business, It not only introducing implementation aspects but also proposing a conceptual framework with respect to the design principles.
Digital transformation affects different areas of society and the economy. It opens up new networking possibilities and allows for cooperation between different actors, who can then exchange data and thereby initiate new processes. In this book, the concept of the digital transformation of business models is explained. Four examples of digital transformation are presented. In addition, existing approaches to digital transformation are shown and a five-phase Roadmap based upon these approaches is presented. The phases are described with their objectives, activities, and tools. In the final section of this book, selected examples are provided.
What you can find in our book:
–A compact, tried-and-true aid for the digital transformation of your business
–Foundations for the digital transformation of business models
–Selected examples of digital transformation
–A selection of existing approaches to digital transformation
–A Roadmap to the digital transformation of business models with activities, tools, and examples.
Technological potentials, which allows for digitization and facilitates digitalization, play an important role in the context of the digital transformation of business models. Today, products are produced with mechanical and electronic components and represent complex systems that allow for the linkage of hardware, software, and data storage. This makes products more intelligent and interconnected than in the past (Porter and Heppelmann 2014: 36). In addition to products, new business models require but also allow for services, processes, and value chains to be digitized (Porterand Heppelmann 2015).

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